Exploring French

   Rosemary Alexander
   Piner Middle School

    I.  History unit

   II.  School Days
        A. Les Objets
        B. Les  Ordres
        C. Les Parties du Corps

  III .


French History

Quebec History

ASSIGNMENT: Follow the history links above. As you read the material on these sites, keep in mind the following questions for French and Quebec links.  When you are finished, write out your answers to the questions in complete sentences; underline the significant portion of the answer.

French History

1.  What city constructed by Romans under Julius Caesar in 52 BC became what is known as Paris today?

2.  What French (Frank) king was most influential in establishing Christianity in France? When?

3.  Name 3 areas of French life that Charlemagne influenced.

4.  What Frenchman invaded England in 1066 and became its king?

5.  Who helped Charles VIII  defeat England in the Hundred Years' War?

6.  Who in the late 1500's stopped the Wars of Religion and guaranteed political and religious freedom?

7.  What was King Louis XIV often called and where did he live?

8.  What is La Pascaline, and when was it invented?

9.  When was Quebec founded? What period in French history was this time called?

10.  What action on July 14, 1789 started officially the French revolution?

11.  What three principles were presented in the Declaration of the Rights of Man?

12.  What happened to King Louis XVI and his queen during the Revolution?

13.  During the Napoleonic Era (1804-1870) who challenged the power of the church by crowning himself king?

14.  Who was elected the first king of the Second Republic and what two contributions did he make to the development of France?

15.  Identify three inventions of the Napoleonic period.

16.  When and for what occasion was the Eiffel Tower built?

17.  The Third Republic of France in 1871 eliminated what traditional position?

18.  What treaty ended World War I and where was it signed?

19.  What general during World War II later became the leader of the French government?

ALL:  Follow the Eiffel Tower link and the Claude Monet link.   In 3-5 sentences each share some new information you learned from the two links.

Quebec History

1.  The name Quebec means "where two rivers meet."  What two major rivers meet at Quebec City?

2.  What are the two major parts of Quebec City called?

3.  What two great structures represent or serve as symbols of Quebec City?

4.  Who sailed to an Iroquoian village in 1535 which later came to be known as Quebec City?

5.  What fur trader established the first permanent settlement at Quebec City in 1608?

6.  What happened to Quebec City and all of New France territory in North America after 1763?

7.  Look at the picture of Quebec City in 1688.  How do you think the city was protected from invading navies?

8.  What was a major money maker for Quebec in the first part of the 1800's?

9.  What is another major city in Quebec Province?

10.  What is the major language and the major religion in Quebec province today?

11.  What natural resource in Canada makes pulp and paper manufacturing of great importance to the area?

12.  Notice the size of the ship in the Quebec City harbor?  What color is it?

13.  Name the first Canadian institution of higher learning.

14.  What interesting comparison is made about Quebec City and Rome?

15.  Name two important sports events held in Quebec City.

16.  What is a major political topic in Quebec City and in all of Quebec?  What do many in the province want from Canada?

17.  What does the red and white flag in the picture represent?  the blue and white flag?









School Days



student desk






une pupitre

un peinture

un livre

une chaise

un mur



dry erase board




un crayon

un tableau

un bureau

un professor 

         ballpoint pen




un stylo

une feuille de papier

un cahier

une règle







une bibliothèque

une fenêtre

un drapeau

une carte

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